A church calendar is an Old Russian church collection of abbreviated saints' lives, parables and saints’ instructive homilies where each lesson is arranged according to the days of the year. Another name for a church calendar is Synaxarion.
There is an ink cursive note on the opening pages of the book: «Подари (?) въ Д (4) день положыли сiю Книгɣ Пролог три месяца jɣни jɣли августъ в ПустоѠзерском остроге в церковь Введение Бцы стрль ПустоѠзерские на промышленные денги пообещанi (…) Федор Шадра с товарыща» (“This Prologue Book is presented (?) on the fourth (4) day for three months June July August in the Pustozersky prison to the Vvedenskaya Church on industrial money bought (...) Pustozersk bowman Fedor Shadra with partners".
A bowman Fedka Martemyanov Shadra served in Pustozersk in the 17th century. In 1670 together with the Samoyeds Palka and Khavla, he participated in an expedition to Yugorsky Strait and Vaygach island "for mining experiments" for which they were given a grain salary. Fedka Shadra had a yard in Golubkovskaya commercial piscatory settlement. Like many bowmen of the Pustozersk garrison, he was engaged in fishing. After one of the most successful fishing season, he invested the Church Calendar Book in the Vvedenskaya Church of Pustozersk.
1597 can be considered the time of a military garrison appearance in Pustozersk when the royal stolnik
1 Prince Vasily Ukhtomsky was appointed to the voivodeship here. Until the middle of the 17th century, the composition and size of service people command was periodically changing (the bowmen from Kholmogory were on guard to protect the prison from the arrival of The Samoyedic thieves of Karachey brood, to guard and to accomplish different missions). The composition of the military unit became permanent since 1648. The Pustozersk bowmen garrison consisted of 110 people: free people, newly-baptized Samoyedic people of Pustozersk and exiles.
The museum received the Church Calendar Book from Lyudmila Nikolayevna Istomina; it had been given to her by a local historian and journalist V.A. Tungusov. At the moment it is kept in the collection of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Museum Association of the NAD".
1 palace servant of the Russian rulers since the 13th century.